Update Customer Profile

The endpoint is designed to update a customer's profile in the system.


The No Content response indicates that the request was successfully processed

Validation Rules for KYC_0 Survey Data

FieldRegular ExpressionDescription
Country[a-zA-Z]{2,3}Validates the country code, ensuring it consists of 2 to 3 alphabetic characters.
City[a-zA-Z0-9\\- /.,#]+Validates city names, allowing letters, numbers, and specific symbols like hyphens, spaces, slashes, periods, commas, and hashes.
Street Address[a-zA-Z0-9\\- /.,#]+Validates street addresses with the same pattern as city names, accommodating various address formats.
Zip Code[a-zA-Z0-9_.\"\\-,\\s&]*Validates zip codes, permitting letters, numbers, and a range of symbols including periods, quotes, hyphens, commas, spaces, and ampersands.

Restriction for KYC_1 Users

If the user has already received KYC_1, they will not be able to update the following fields:

  • firstName
  • lastName
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