Wallet Guide
This guide will help you create a wallet, manage balances, and perform basic operations using the API.
1. Creating a New Account
Step 1.1: Sending a Request to Create an Account
To create a new account, send a request to the POST /wallet/account endpoint.
In the request, specify the following parameters:
- shortName: a short name or identifier for your account.
- accountType: the type of account (e.g., CHECKING).
- currency: the currency associated with the account.
- blockchain: the blockchain platform associated with the account.
Example request:
"shortName": "bank test", // a short name or identifier for the account.
"accountType": "CHECKING", // the type of the account, e.g., checking, savings.
"currency": "USD", // the currency code associated with the account, e.g., US Dollar.
"blockchain": "btc" // the blockchain platform associated with the account, e.g., Bitcoin (BTC).
Example response:
"account": "4adb69c1-9cfa-4341-b9f0-a725c7b86c87", // unique identifier for the account.
"accountType": "CHECKING", // type of the account, e.g., checking, savings.
"shortName": "bank test", // a short name or identifier for the account.
"status": "ACTIVE" // current status of the account.
You will receive a unique account identifier (accountId
) in the response, which you will need for further actions.
2. Checking Balance
Step 2.1: Checking Account Balance
To get the current balance of your account, send a request to the GET /wallet/balance endpoint.
Specify the following parameters in the request:
- accountId: the unique identifier of your account.
- currency: the currency for which you want to check the balance.
Example request:
GET /wallet/balance?accountId=4adb69c1-9cfa-4341-b9f0-a725c7b86c87¤cy=USD
Example response:
"account": "4adb69c1-9cfa-4341-b9f0-a725c7b86c87", // unique identifier for the account.
"balance": "100.00", // current balance of the account.
"currency": "USD", // currency code for the balance, e.g., US Dollar.
"lastUpdated": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z" // timestamp of the last update to the balance.
You will receive the current balance in the specified currency.
Step 2.2: Getting Balance Change History
To get the transaction history related to the balance (e.g., deposits, withdrawals), use the GET /wallet/balance/log/{logId} endpoint.
Example request:
GET /balance/logs/4adb69c1-9cfa-4341-b9f0-a725c7b86c87
Example response:
"id": "string", // unique identifier for the transaction.
"account": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier for the account associated with the change.
"change": "9.87", // amount of the balance change in the specified currency.
"currency": "EPI", // currency code in which the change occurred.
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z", // date and time when the transaction was created.
"reasonId": "string", // identifier for the reason of the transaction (e.g., order, refund).
"reasonType": "ORDER", // type of the reason for the transaction (e.g., ORDER for an order).
"note": "string", // additional notes or comments regarding the transaction.
"receipt": {
"note": "string", // note associated with the receipt.
"rail": "string", // railway identifier (if applicable).
"rail_reference": "string", // reference to the railway identifier.
"purpose": "string", // purpose of the transaction.
"memo": "string", // memorial note.
"originator_name": "string", // name of the originator of the funds.
"originator_address": "string", // address of the originator.
"originator_blockchain_address": "string", // blockchain address of the originator (if applicable).
"originator_blockchain_network": "string", // blockchain network of the originator (if applicable).
"originator_account_number": "string", // account number of the originator.
"originator_routing_number": "string", // routing number of the originator.
"originator_swift_bic": "string", // SWIFT/BIC code of the originator.
"originator_institution_name": "string", // name of the originator's institution.
"originator_institution_address": "string", // address of the originator's institution.
"exchange_type": "string", // type of exchange (if applicable).
"exchange_source_account_id": "string", // identifier of the source exchange account.
"exchange_destination_account_id": "string", // identifier of the destination exchange account.
"exchange_amount_debit": "string", // debit amount of the exchange.
"exchange_amount_credit": "string", // credit amount of the exchange.
"counterparty_name": "string", // name of the counterparty.
"counterparty_address": "string", // address of the counterparty.
"counterparty_blockchain_address": "string", // blockchain address of the counterparty (if applicable).
"counterparty_blockchain_network": "string", // blockchain network of the counterparty (if applicable).
"counterparty_account_number": "string", // account number of the counterparty.
"counterparty_routing_number": "string", // routing number of the counterparty.
"counterparty_swift_bic": "string", // SWIFT/BIC code of the counterparty.
"counterparty_institution_name": "string", // name of the counterparty's institution.
"counterparty_institution_address": "string", // address of the counterparty's institution.
"tranfer_source_account_id": "string", // identifier of the source transfer account.
"tranfer_destination_account_id": "string", // identifier of the destination transfer account.
"tranfer_amount_debit": "string", // debit amount of the transfer.
"tranfer_amount_credit": "string" // credit amount of the transfer.
3. Managing Transfers
Step 3.1: Transferring Funds
To transfer funds between accounts, send a request to the POST /wallet/transfer endpoint.
Specify the sender and receiver account IDs, the transfer amount, currency, and the type of transfer:
- INVOICE: Parameters for a transfer associated with invoicing. Use this type when the transfer is linked to a specific invoice.
- PAYMENT: Parameters for a standard transfer between accounts. Choose this type for a standard transfer without invoice association.
- CORRECTION: Parameters for correcting a previously made transfer. Use this type if you need to amend an error or make changes to a completed transfer.
Example request:
"fromAccountId": "4adb69c1-9cfa-4341-b9f0-a725c7b86c87", // identifier for the source account from which the funds are being transferred.
"toAccountId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier for the destination account to which the funds are being transferred.
"amount": "50.00", // amount of funds being transferred.
"currency": "USD" // currency code for the transaction, e.g., US Dollar.
Example response:
"transactionId": "tx12347", // unique identifier for the transaction.
"status": "COMPLETED", // current status of the transaction, e.g., COMPLETED.
"date": "2024-08-22T14:05:00.000Z", // date and time when the transaction was completed.
"amount": "50.00", // amount involved in the transaction.
"currency": "USD" // currency code for the transaction, e.g., US Dollar.
You will receive information about the transaction status and details.
Step 3.2: Confirming the Transfer
Once the transfer is created, you need to confirm it. To do this, send a request to the POST /wallet/transfer/{uuid}/confirm endpoint, where {uuid}
is the transaction ID received in the transfer creation response.
Request parameters:
- uuid: the unique identifier of the transfer obtained from the transfer creation response.
Example request:
POST /wallet/transfer/tx12347/confirm
Example response:
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // unique identifier for the transfer.
"fromAccount": "4adb69c1-9cfa-4341-b9f0-a725c7b86c87", // identifier of the sender's account.
"toAccount": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier of the recipient's account.
"currency": "USD", // currency of the transfer.
"amount": "50.00", // amount of the transfer.
"status": "INIT", // status of the transfer (e.g., INIT for initialized transfer).
"statusDescription": "string", // description of the transfer status.
"note": "string", // additional notes.
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z", // date and time when the transfer was created.
"updatedAt": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z", // date and time when the transfer was last updated.
"type": "ORIGINAL" // type of the transfer (e.g., ORIGINAL).
Step 3.3: Checking Transfer Status
To check the status of a transfer, send a request to the GET /wallet/transfer/{uuid} endpoint, where {uuid}
is the unique identifier of the transfer.
Example request:
GET /transfer/tx12347
Example response:
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // unique identifier for the transfer.
"fromAccount": "string", // identifier of the sender's account.
"toAccount": "string", // identifier of the recipient's account.
"currency": "USD", // currency of the transfer.
"amount": "10.2", // amount of the transfer.
"status": "INIT", // status of the transfer (e.g., INIT for initialized transfer).
"statusDescription": "string", // description of the transfer status.
"note": "string", // additional notes.
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z", // date and time when the transfer was created.
"updatedAt": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z", // date and time when the transfer was last updated.
"type": "ORIGINAL" // type of the transfer (e.g., ORIGINAL).
4. Managing Withdrawals
Step 4.3: Retrieving Withdrawal Limits
To check the current withdrawal limits, send a request to the GET /wallet/utils/limits endpoint.
Example request:
GET /wallet/utils/limits
Example response:
"withdrawDay": 0, // daily withdrawal limit.
"withdrawMonth": 0, // monthly withdrawal limit.
"withdrawYear": 0, // annual withdrawal limit.
"withdrawGlobal": 0, // global withdrawal limit.
"currency": "string" // currency code to which the limits apply.
Step 4.2: Withdrawing Funds
To withdraw funds to a bank account, send a request to the POST /wallet/withdraw endpoint. Specify the currency code, the amount to withdraw, and select the type of withdrawal.
Available withdrawal types:
ATM: Withdraw funds via an ATM.
BANK_TRANSFER: Bank transfer.
CRYPTO: Cryptocurrency transfer.
PAY_SPOT: Transfer through a payment system.
COUNTERPARTY: Transfer to a third party.
Example request:
"currency": "USD", // the currency code for the withdrawal.
"amount": "10.2", // the amount of funds to withdraw.
"conversion": [ // (optional) details of currency conversion, if needed.
"amount": "1.12", // the amount of funds to be converted.
"currency": "EUR", // the currency code to which the conversion is applied.
"rate": { // information about the conversion rate.
"rateRequest": { // the request for the conversion rate.
"fromCurrency": "USD", // the source currency for conversion.
"toCurrency": "EUR", // the target currency for conversion.
"amount": "10.2", // the amount to be converted.
"account": "4adb69c1-9cfa-4341-b9f0-a725c7b86c87", // the account identifier.
"partner": "examplePartner" // the partner providing the rate.
"rate": "1.12", // the conversion rate.
"validUntil": "2024-08-23T00:00:00Z", // the date and time until the rate is valid.
"signature": "signature123" // the signature to verify the rate.
"type": "BANK_TRANSFER", // the type of withdrawal request (e.g., bank transfer).
"meta": { // (optional) additional metadata for the withdrawal request.
"fromAccount": "4adb69c1-9cfa-4341-b9f0-a725c7b86c87", // the identifier of the account from which the withdrawal is made.
"to": "123456789", // the destination address for the withdrawal.
"blockchain": "none" // (optional) blockchain network, if applicable (e.g., for cryptocurrency withdrawals).
The API will return confirmation of the request and transaction details:
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // unique identifier for the withdrawal request.
"currency": "string", // the currency code in which the withdrawal was made.
"amount": "10.2", // the amount of funds that were withdrawn.
"conversion": [ // (if applicable) details of currency conversion.
"amount": "1.12", // the amount of funds subject to conversion.
"currency": "string", // the currency code to which the conversion was applied.
"rate": { // information about the conversion rate.
"rateRequest": { // request for the conversion rate.
"fromCurrency": "string", // the source currency for conversion.
"toCurrency": "string", // the target currency for conversion.
"amount": "string", // the amount to be converted.
"account": "string", // the account identifier.
"partner": "string" // the partner providing the rate.
"rate": "1.12", // the conversion rate.
"validUntil": "string", // the date and time until the rate is valid.
"signature": "string" // the signature to verify the rate.
"type": "string", // the type of withdrawal request (e.g., bank transfer).
"meta": {}, // (optional) additional metadata for the withdrawal request.
"fromAccount": "string", // the identifier of the account from which the withdrawal was made.
"feeAmount": "10.2", // the fee amount for the withdrawal, if applicable.
"status": "PROCESSED", // the status of the request (e.g., processed).
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z", // date and time when the request was created.
"updatedAt": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z" // date and time when the request was last updated.
Step 4.3: Retrieving Withdrawal Details
To obtain detailed information about a specific withdrawal transaction, use the GET /wallet/withdraw/{uuid} endpoint.
Example request:
GET /wallet/withdraw/withdraw12345
Example response:
"id": "withdraw12345", // unique identifier for the withdrawal request.
"currency": "USD", // the currency code in which the withdrawal was made.
"amount": "10.2", // the amount of funds that were withdrawn.
"status": "PROCESSED", // the status of the withdrawal request (e.g., processed).
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T13:05:59.437Z" // date and time when the request was created.
5. Managing Currency Exchange
Step 5.1: Currency Conversion
To convert one currency to another, use the POST /wallet/convert endpoint. This request allows you to exchange funds from one currency to another using the provided conversion rate.
Example request:
"fromCurrency": "USD", // the currency you want to exchange.
"toCurrency": "EUR", // the currency you want to convert to.
"amount": "100.00", // the amount you want to exchange.
"rate": "1.12" // the exchange rate between the currencies.
Example response:
"conversionId": "abc123xyz", // unique identifier for the conversion
"fromCurrency": "USD", // currency being exchanged
"toCurrency": "EUR", // currency being converted to
"amount": "100.00", // amount being exchanged
"convertedAmount": "112.00", // resulting amount after conversion
"rate": "1.12", // exchange rate between the currencies
"status": "COMPLETED" // status of the conversion
Step 5.2: Retrieving List of Direct Exchanges
To get a list of all available direct currency exchanges, use the GET /wallet/direct-exchange endpoint. This request will return all possible exchange combinations between currencies supported by the system.
Example request:
GET /wallet/direct-exchange?accountId=453363465346
Example response:
"fromCurrency": "USD", // currency being exchanged
"toCurrency": "EUR", // currency being converted to
"rate": "1.12" // exchange rate between the currencies
"fromCurrency": "BTC", // currency being exchanged
"toCurrency": "USD", // currency being converted to
"rate": "25000.00" // exchange rate between the currencies
Step 5.3: Creating a Direct Currency Exchange
To create a new direct currency exchange, send a request to the POST /wallet/direct-exchange endpoint. This request allows you to specify the exchange parameters and receive confirmation of the new operation.
Example request:
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // unique identifier for the conversion
"fromAccount": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier of the account from which funds are converted
"toAccount": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier of the account to which funds are converted
"fromCurrency": "USDT", // currency being converted from
"toCurrency": "EPI", // currency being converted to
"fromAmount": "10.2", // amount of the currency being converted from
"toAmount": "9.87", // resulting amount after conversion
"signedRate": { // exchange rate information
"rateRequest": { // details of the rate request
"fromCurrency": "string", // currency being converted from
"toCurrency": "string", // currency being converted to
"amount": "string", // amount for conversion
"account": "string", // identifier of the account
"partner": "string" // partner providing the rate
"rate": "1.12", // exchange rate used for conversion
"validUntil": "string", // date and time until the rate is valid
"signature": "string" // signature for rate verification
Example response:
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // unique identifier for the conversion
"fromAccount": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier of the account from which funds are converted
"toAccount": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier of the account to which funds are converted
"fromCurrency": "USDT", // currency being converted from
"toCurrency": "EPI", // currency being converted to
"fromAmount": "10.2", // amount of the currency being converted from
"toAmount": "9.87", // resulting amount after conversion
"signedRate": { // exchange rate information
"rateRequest": { // details of the rate request
"fromCurrency": "string", // currency being converted from
"toCurrency": "string", // currency being converted to
"amount": "string", // amount for conversion
"account": "string", // identifier of the account
"partner": "string" // partner providing the rate
"rate": "1.12", // exchange rate used for conversion
"validUntil": "string", // date and time until the rate is valid
"signature": "string" // signature for rate verification
"feeAmount": "0.01", // amount of the fee charged for the conversion
"feeCurrency": "USDT", // currency of the fee charged
"status": "SUCCESS", // status of the conversion
"note": "string", // additional notes or comments
"createdAt": "2024-08-23T07:31:15.451Z", // date and time when the conversion was created
"updatedAt": "2024-08-23T07:31:15.451Z" // date and time when the conversion was last updated
Step 5.4: Retrieving a Direct Currency Exchange
To obtain information about a specific currency exchange operation, use the GET /wallet/direct-exchange/{uuid} endpoint. Provide the unique exchange identifier (uuid
) to get detailed information about the operation.
Example request:
GET /wallet/direct-exchange/4534653
Example response:
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // unique identifier for the conversion
"fromAccount": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier of the account from which funds are converted
"toAccount": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // identifier of the account to which funds are converted
"fromCurrency": "USDT", // currency being converted from
"toCurrency": "EPI", // currency being converted to
"fromAmount": "10.2", // amount of the currency being converted from
"toAmount": "9.87", // resulting amount after conversion
"signedRate": { // exchange rate information
"rateRequest": { // details of the rate request
"fromCurrency": "string", // currency being converted from
"toCurrency": "string", // currency being converted to
"amount": "string", // amount for conversion
"account": "string", // identifier of the account
"partner": "string" // partner providing the rate
"rate": "1.12", // exchange rate used for conversion
"validUntil": "string", // date and time until the rate is valid
"signature": "string" // signature for rate verification
"feeAmount": "0.01", // amount of the fee charged for the conversion
"feeCurrency": "USDT", // currency of the fee charged
"status": "SUCCESS", // status of the conversion
"note": "string", // additional notes or comments
"createdAt": "2024-08-23T07:31:15.451Z", // date and time when the conversion was created
"updatedAt": "2024-08-23T07:31:15.451Z" // date and time when the conversion was last updated
Updated 2 months ago