Password Reset Process

This article outlines the steps and API endpoints required to reset a user's password before authorization.

The process consists of three main steps:

  1. Request a Password Reset Code: Obtain a reset code via email.
  2. Validate the Reset Code: Submit the reset code to receive a signed payload for validation.
  3. Change the Password: Use the signed payload to update the password.

Step 1: Request a Password Reset Code

Endpoint: Reset Password, Phase 1

The user requests a reset code, which is sent to their registered email.

Request Example:

  "username": "[email protected]" // The email address of the user requesting the password reset.

Step 2: Validate the Reset Code

Endpoint: Reset Password, Phase 1

The user submits the reset code to validate their identity and receive a signed payload for further validation.

Request Example:

  "username": "[email protected]", // The email address of the user.
  "code": "12345" // The code received via email.

Step 3: Change the Password

Endpoint: Reset Password, Phase 2

Use the signed payload to update the password.


Password Requirements:

  • Length: 8 to 32 characters
  • Must contain both lowercase and uppercase Latin letters
  • Must include at least 1 number
  • Must contain at least 1 symbol (e.g., !, @, #, $)

Request Payload:

  "newPassword": "A9#bL8@z", // The new password chosen by the user.
  "signedPayload": "cmVzZXRQYXNzd26RkVnNFpOeWdXckc3VXZoOHozYjlPTUZIajJ2SVR6UT0=", // The signed payload for validation.
  "username": "[email protected]" // The email address of the user.