
This guide explains how to use the API for transferring funds between accounts, including both creating a transfer and confirming its execution.

1. Create a Transfer Between Accounts

The Create a Transfer API allows you to initiate a transfer of funds between two accounts. This is the first step in performing a transfer, and it requires specifying the source and destination accounts, as well as the transfer amount and currency.

Request Body Parameters:

fromAccountstringYesThe account ID from which the transfer is made.
toAccountstringYesThe account ID to which the funds are transferred.
currencystringYesThe currency in which the transfer is made.
amountstringYesThe amount of money to transfer.
notestringNoAn optional note or reference for the transfer.

Response (200 OK):

On success, the system will respond with the transfer details, including a unique transfer ID.

idUnique identifier for the transfer.
statusThe status of the transfer (e.g., SUCCESS).
fromAmountThe amount transferred from the source account.
toAmountThe amount received in the destination account.
feeAmountThe fee deducted for the transfer.
feeCurrencyThe currency in which the fee is charged.
createdAtTimestamp when the transfer was created.
updatedAtTimestamp when the transfer was last updated.

2. Confirm a Transfer

After creating a transfer, it must be confirmed before it is processed. The Confirm a Transfer API allows you to confirm the transfer using its unique transfer ID (UUID).

Path Parameters:

uuidstring($uuid)YesThe UUID of the transfer to be confirmed.

Response (200 OK):

The system will respond with the status of the transfer after confirmation.

idUnique identifier for the transfer.
statusThe status of the transfer (e.g., INIT, CONFIRMED).
statusDescriptionA description of the current status of the transfer.
noteThe reference note for the transfer.
createdAtTimestamp when the transfer was created.
updatedAtTimestamp when the transfer was last updated.

Best Practices

  • Validate Inputs:
    Ensure that both the fromAccount and toAccount exist and that the currency is supported.

  • Check Transfer Status:
    Always check the status of the transfer using the status field. Transfers need to be confirmed before being processed.

  • Fees:
    Keep in mind that transfer operations may include fees, which are deducted from the transfer amount.