Parameter placeholders in endpoints
API Endpoint | Placeholder | Main Parameters |
Create Account | X-Version = 1.2 | Bypass fingerprint verification |
Confirm Phone Number | smsCode = 1234 fingerprint= 12344444 | fingerprint: AFF07461-10C5-4EA7-AF9C-2D7F11B225 Bypass fingerprint verification |
Resend Code | X-Signature = any value (even empty body, sandbox disabled) X-Fingerprint= 12344444 | X-Signature = h4qtqhqecujchygscvsuoqlha7bthydryjleifl023 X-Fingerprint: ```json { "timezone": -180, "browsercolordepth": 24, "browserlanguage": "ru-ru", "browserscreenheight": 720, "browserscreenwidth": 1280, "browsertz": -180, "os": "windows", "useragent": "mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; win64; x64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/ safari/537.36 opr/", "browserjavaenabled": false, "browserjavascriptenabled": true } ``` |
Resend Password | X-Version = 1.2 X-Fingerprint = 12344444 X-Signature = any value (even empty body, sandbox disabled) | Bypass fingerprint verification X-Fingerprint: ```json { "timezone": -180, "browsercolordepth": 24, "browserlanguage": "ru-ru", "browserscreenheight": 720, "browserscreenwidth": 1280, "browsertz": -180, "os": "windows", "useragent": "mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; win64; x64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/ safari/537.36 opr/", "browserjavaenabled": false, "browserjavascriptenabled": true } ``` |
Confirm Password Reset | X-Version = 1.2 code = 1234 | Bypass fingerprint verification |
Set New Password | X-Version = 1.2 code = 1234 | Bypass fingerprint verification |
Update Status of Push Notifications | User-Agent = vault/4.0(508) dart/3.2 (dart:io) ios/17.3.1 X-Version = 1.2 | User-Agent= crypterium/3.7.0 (android; 34): samsung sm-s911b Bypass fingerprint verification |
Execute Offer Payment | "cardCVV": 333 "fingerprint" ```json { "timezone": -180, "browserColorDepth": 24, "browserLanguage": "en-US", "browserScreenHeight": 900, "browserScreenWidth": 1600, "browsertz": -180, "os": "Linux", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:105.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0", "browserJavaEnabled": false, "browserJavascriptEnabled": true, "browserAcceptHeader": "/" } ``\` | ❌ |
Get Available Rates and Cards Data for PayOut | X-Sdk-Version: payoutCard=1.2 | X-Sdk-Version is not used |
Add Card | X-Sdk-Version: payoutCard=1.2 | X-Sdk-Version is not used |
Create Payout Offer | X-Sdk-Version: payoutCard=1.2 | X-Sdk-Version is not used |
Update PayOut Offer | X-Sdk-Version: payoutCard=1.2 | X-Sdk-Version is not used |
Execute PayOut Offer | X-Sdk-Version: payoutCard=1.2 | X-Sdk-Version is not used |
History Transactions | "offset": 0 "size": 50 | These parameters are used for pagination on the front end |
Get Card Operations History | "offset": 0 "size": 50 | These parameters are used for pagination on the front end |
Updated 10 months ago